Research Assistance

During the course of my research, I have had the privilege of assisting a few graduate-level projects that involved implementing theoretical results on various robotic testbeds. Here is a condensed list of the same:

  • Vinayak S P and A. Devarakonda, "Towards developing an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle"

  • A. More and S. V. V. Raju, "Rendezvous of Heterogeneous robots amidst obstacles"

  • M. Yellalingh and V. M. Sonawane , "Optimal union of mobile robots with limited sensing"

  • V. G. Gupta and R. B. Takumi, "Sliding mode control of a Quadcopter"

  • O. V. Kulkarni, "Experimental verification of Rendezvous of heteregeneous agents in a cluttered environment"

A couple of collaborative projects with fellow graduate students include:

  • N. C. Peddamallu, "Design of a Soft Robotic Hand and applications to grasping"

  • S. K. Singh, "Implementation of pursuit evasion games amidst various constraints"

Teaching Assistant

Further, I have been an integral part in developing the content for Control and Dynamics Lab, a graduate-level lab course that emphasizes on introducing the students to practical applications of efficient algorithms in robot motion planning and control theory. In addition, I have also led a team of teaching assistants for the following courses.

  • Synthesis of Control Systems, Fall 2013 and Fall 2015

  • Control Engineering, Spring 2014 and Spring 2017

  • Digital Signal Processing Architecture (Theory and Lab), Spring 2015

  • Basic Electrical Engineering, Spring 2016 and Spring 2018

  • Digital Electronics (Theory and Lab), Fall 2017

I have been awarded the 'Best Teaching Assistant (TA) award' for the academic year 2016-17 by the Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Madras.

Research Assistant

In October 2016, I have been selected for the fellowship awarded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. The fellowship has been renewed in October 2017 and again in October 2018. As a part of this DST project titled 'Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Robots moving amidst obstacles while meeting distance constraints’, I collaborate with my research supervisor in developing novel hardware efficient algorithms, fabricating heterogeneous robots (differential drive mobile robot and a humanoid) and utilizing these for implementation.

Invited Lectures

The following is a list of the courses that I have been invited to teach, by the The GATE Academy, Bengaluru, India.

  • Instrumentation Theory, Summer 2012

  • Control Systems, Summer 2012

  • Engineering Mathematics, Summer 2013

  • Digital Electronics, Summer 2013

Invited Talks

  • "Career Paths in Instrumentation Engineering", a live Q&A session for aspiring grad students on YouTube; hosted by The GATE Academy, Bengaluru in Spring 2013

  • "Latest Trends in Robotics" at The MathWorks Inc., Bengaluru, India in Winter 2019